Okay, maybe this could be my first blog account.. yeaahh, call me kuper,gaptek or whatever..gw terima!!! ahahaha...bukannya gimana2 yah, tp emang aslinya gw gak begitu suka nulis atopun 'bisa' nulis...entah itu nulis cerita, nulis diary ataupun nulis apapun..sering banget dminta temen2 editor zine buat kontribusi tulisan di zine mereka,tapi selalu gw tolak...yeap i'm pretty messed up on that matter!haa :))
Gw lebih suka melakukan sesuatu semuanya secara verbal.. talking..yeap,gw seneng banget ngobrol..lo mau ajakin gw ngobrol apa aja, mo debat atopun ngejelasin apapun bakal gw ladeniiiin...as long as you want, guys! :p
okey enough 'bout that fews explanation.. now,i'd like to begin writing my story, my grumble, my grateful, my wish, my opinion, my travelling and a whole contents of my brain... do not expect something 'good' in here, coz u'll never find it..!! LOL
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